Lim X Bullocks 650kg from R Corkish sold at £1450 with LimX heifers 505kg selling @£1300
Billy & Vera Cormode sold HerefordX bullocks weighing 396kg selling @ 805 and
HerefordX heifers 340kg selling at £815
Bry Radcliffe sold LimX strong bullocks 431kg @ £1155 and LimX heifers 409kg @ £1060
K Callister sold ChX bullocks 450kg making £1160 and ChX heifers 466kg making £1090
Glendown sold Incalf Stabiliser heifers @ £1420
W Christian sold BrahamX Angus bulllcoks 626kg for the top price of the day £1490
Customers still looking for cattle – 10 for next week -so far