BBX Cows with well grown BlondeX calves sold to £1650
with Pure Blonde de Aquitaine Cows with great calves at foot sold @ £2000 each
5 Year Stock Bull “OMar” sold at £1800 and a 17month old made £1700
Some strong clear Blonde heifers sold at £1400
TexelX regular aged ewes sold from £120 -£155
with Zwartbles selling at £152
TexelX Ewe Lambs made £124
with ZwartblesX Ewe Lambs selling at £144
A Zwartble Ram sold at £170
It was a sad day remembering John & Eleanor Chadwick, but it was fitting there was a good crowd , the stock was very good and sold well
Annual Machinery Sale @ St Johns
Date: Saturday 24th February -11am
Tynwald Hill Car Park St Johns Entries Invited