Adi Corlett tops the Market with LimousinX heifers weighing 498kg selling at £955 at the Mart, Knockaloe 14th October 2020
2 very Smart Spritited heifers weighing 465kg sold at £920selling
Steve Karran sold very quiet cattle, the first suckled calves of the season with 235kg heifers selling @ £495 and 2 – 179kg bullocks at £410
Peter Field sold 2019 born cattle – Lim Bullocks 410kg @ £760 with 334kg heifers selling @ £700
Julian Teare Sold TexelX Shearling ewes @ £96
Looking forward to the busiest cattle day of the year –
Next week- October 21st with around 180 exceptional suckled calves on offer.
Quite a few private sales – Lambs, Rams and Bulls
Keep an eye on the website and facebook – Over and Out