Ballaglonney Sheep Sale shines in the heat.
On the hottest day of the year, there was a lot of people with considerable interest in what are arguably some of the best sheep and rams on the market.
TexelX shearling ewes sold from £140 – £162
A Romney pen sold at £146
With the highlight were the Mules, a lot of farmers favourite breeding sheep. This great bunch sold from £150- £172.
Blackface shearlings sold @ £116 -with Loughtans selling @ £34
A fit bunch of grass fed Texel Rams sold from £360 -£840
Suftex , Charollais X Texel rams sold arounf £500
with NZ Suffolks selling from £440- £600.
Hopefully a cattle sale soon
More ewes wanted
The Annual Ram Sale is to take place on Wednesday 9th September.
Annual Ewe Lamb and Sheep Sale Wednesday 16th September
A small Mart on Wednesday 12th August at Knockaloe
Cheviot type sheep = mixed ages £84 from Mr Mrs Rawnslsey
and a nice bunch of Texel X Shearling ewes from T Sayle sold from £124 – £134