On a day when there were more Rams than farmers, Phil Cringle sold 80 Rams and 50 Strong classy mule shearlings from Geoff Comish
After the draw Alison Kermeen sold Texel Sh. Rams @ £340
Ballaseyre sold Hampshire Rams @ £150 and a Loughtan Ram @ £20
John Teare sold Suffolk Shearlings @ £340 with
Orrisdale Farms selling Charollais Sh Rams @ £460
George Moore sold Charollais Rams @ £280
Sarah Kewley had the top price of the day with Texel Sh Rams selling @ £620
Chris Sayle sold Beltex/Texel Sh. Rams @ £260
with 3 Sh Easycare Rams @ £190 from Carey Dewhirst
Chrissy Cannell sold Cheviot Sh Rams @ £260
Glenlough Farms sold Bluefaced Leicester Ram @ £600 with
Texels from Ballagraingey Farm selling @ £390
Border Leicester Sh Ram from R Quayle selling @ £400
The last 50 sheep from Geoff Comish which were excellent Mule Shearling Ewes sold & averaged £162