A LimX Hereford steer weighing 554kg sold @ £1,150 from Andy Kelly.
Sophie White sold ChX suckler bullocks 270kg @£560 with 300kg heifers selling at £600
Peter Quayle sold 327kg SimX bulls @£700 and a Sim Cow with twin calves @ £1230
Albert Kermode sold a Stabiliser steer 273kg @£615
Charlie Corkill Farming sold a good bunch of HerX heifers average @£1000
Derek Bell sold ChX steer 480kg @ £1160 and Cows with calves @ foot £1160
Some dairy bred cattle were harder to sell
2 Incalf Heifers from Ballasyr averaged £985
As a sign of respect to Ed Callow and his family , whose funeral is on Wednesday afternoon, the Mart Sale will be changed to Thursday 27th October1.30pm