Robbie Corkish sold strong Friesian steers 578kg @ £935
Danny Creer sold suckled calves with 350kg Lim Bullock @ £805 and an excellent 256kg ChX Heifer @ £790
Steve Corlett sold Sim Bullocks 311kg @ £700 with 260kg heifers selling @ £560
Peter Field sold Lim X Steers 448kg @ £920 with suckled steers 240kg selling @ £490 and heifers 268kg making £620
Michael Kelly sold ChX steers 320kg @ £740 with ChX heifers 284kg selling @ £655
Lee Cain sold Black heifers Incalf to Stabiliser @ £1300
Jack Moore sold BBX steers 468kg making £900
Steve Crowe sold AAX steers 496kg @ £925
Derek Bell sold a good ChX Cow with twins at foot for £1600
A nearly 3 year old Beef Shorthorn Bull from I & D Faragher sold @ £1180
Great to see a lot of good stock and a really full Mart of customers & friends
Extra cattle booked in for next Wednesday 2nd November –
Check Website for updates –