John Skillen sold strong Lim Heifers 45okg @ £960 – Good to see Dave at the Mart
Bryan Radcliffe sold Lim Bullocks 435kg @ £860 with Lim suckled heifer calves weighing 302kg sold @ £690
A&S Jones sold 347kg LimX heifers @ £740
IOM Seafood Products sold 335kg Bullock @ £605 with 380kg LimX heifers @ £715
Chris Watterson sold AAX Bullock 244kg @ £520
Keith Callister sold ChX Bullocks 497kg @ £950 with 468kg ChX Heifers making £895
Robbie & Heather Christian sold Incalf Luing Heifers @ £1220
Derek Bell sold Hereford X Bullock 355kg @ £735
Roy & Andy Cleator sold strong Lim Cows with young calves @ foot for £1285
Keep an eye on the website – hopefully some cattle to come next week